Wedgie M-LOK Hand Stop

Regular price $24.69

The Wedgie Handstop is a bi-directional grip designed to fit MLOK rails with a low profile. Both the flat and curved sides of the grip are ribbed for your pleasure and assist in a non-slip grip for the aggressive recoil that airsoft markers are known for. 
3D printed from tough SLA resin, this grip will last through even the toughest airsoft basement clearing in your parents house. 

The grip is dyed black, skin safe, and not water soluble. BUT, the grips are NOT solvent safe, so be careful with rubbing alcohol, some bug sprays, etc., as they're known to dissolve certain plastics. 

Grip Specifications
- Height: 1.5" at rail
- Width: 0.63" 
- Length: 1.5" utilizing one (1) MLOK space
- Two (2) MLOK screws/nuts pre-installed 
- A 3mm Allen Wrench (not included) is needed for installation. Refer to Magpul guide for installation instructions

SLA Resin Details
Material: Acrylate-based Polymer for 3D Printing
Tensile(MPa): 45-55
- Elongation(%): 10-21